Conecta, Transforma, Vive la Naturaleza

Discover the Art of Dance

Sumérgete en experiencias únicas que combinan aventura, crecimiento personal y conexión con el entorno natural.

¡Nuevo campamento nómada la próxima semana! – Inscríbete ahora y obtén un 10% de descuento.
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Dance Your Way: The Inspiring Journey of Our Studio and Our Students

Avada Dance is a studio where you can learn different styles of dance, from hip hop to ballet, in a fun and supportive environment. Our instructors are experienced and friendly, and our studio is spacious and well-equipped.

Discover the Art of Dance

Discover the Art of Dance

Whether you prefer ballet, jazz, or hip hop , we have a class for you.

Meet your instructors

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News, Tips and Stories from Our Studio

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  • Lo que el cicloturismo en Pirinexus puede enseñarte sobre la vida
  • Beneficios de desconectar de la rutina y reconectar con la naturaleza
  • Descubre tus emociones a través del senderismo

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Our Studio In Images

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Next Classes

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Spotlight Dance: Our Studio and Students’ Journey

Dance is a journey of self-growth. Our students have shone in the spotlight. Join us to celebrate their achievements and start your own journey.

Spotlight Dance: Our Studio and Students’ Journey

Dance is a journey of self-growth. Our students have shone in the spotlight. Join us to celebrate their achievements and start your own journey.

Discover the Art of Dance

Discover the Art of Dance

Whether you prefer ballet, jazz, or hip hop , we have a class for you.